
JACKPOT RACE ™ Configuration

Date Updated: 21 May 2024

Jackpot Race™




Description of Phases

Accumulation Phase

Race Phase

Final Phase


Currently Supported Jackpot Race Games



The “Jackpot Race™” offered by Habanero Systems, and funded by the Operator, is a new type of progressive Jackpot that pays out randomly during a specified time frame. The prize can be shared/ amongst 1 or more players according to a configured paytable. Players need to be active and spinning (with a bet) during the Race Phase to stand a chance of winning. Jackpot Race can be linked across Multi-brands / Cross-group, with only specific games supports the Jackpot Race™. The list of currently supported games can be found in the configuration in the BackOffice; and will be updated periodically by Habanero Systems.

The Jackpot Race is broken down into three “phases”; the Accumulation Phase, the Race Phase, and the Payout Phase.


Description of Phases

·       Accumulation Phase

The initial phase of the jackpot is the accumulation phase. During this period the jackpot amount builds up as a specified portion of the Return to Player (RTP), for the selected Jackpot Race games. With each bet placed, this portion of the RTP is allocated to the jackpot and the running total of the amount is displayed to the player in the specified
At the start of the Accumulation Phase, the jackpot amount starts at 0 (Zero). This is when the Jackpot Race has been created, or after a Phase.

-        The active Jackpot Race games will display a to the next Race, the amount of the current Jackpot, and, directly after the details of the Jackpot

-        When the race has 1 minute to go to the Race Phase, a 60 second countdown timer is displayed.

-        The jackpot cannot be triggered during this time.

·       Race Phase

The race phase starts at the configured time and can be set for once a week, or specified days, or every day at the start time. 

-        The jackpot still increments with each wager during the Race phase.

-        The length of time set for the Race Phase is operator configurable, between 5 and 180 minutes.

-         A random number generator is put into service to determine at what precise time the phase of the jackpot pool will be activated. The odds increased towards the end of the race. E.g. If the race starts at 19h00 and is set for 90 minutes, then the odds of the jackpot triggering increases the closer the time gets to 20h30.

-        The jackpot is guaranteed to trigger before the end of the Race.

-        The game shows 'Jackpot must be won in the next X minutes/seconds.


·        Final Phase

The phase occurs when the jackpot triggers. Players who perform a paid spin closest to the random jackpot time will be assigned positions in the race, in the sequence of the bet being received by the server.

-        For example, the operator may specify that only one position is paid, with 100% of the jackpot prize paid to position 1. Or the operator may split the jackpot win between 3 players, 1 50%, 2  30%, and 3 20%. The operator can choose to pay as many positions as they wish.


-        Prize Pay Table Example:


















































NB: This example will display the last 5 places to the player as position 6








-        All the positions and winners should add up to 100%. The system will not allow a configuration of greater than 100%.

-        If the total winner’s percentage is less than 100, the jackpot amount remaining will roll over to the next Jackpot.

-        In practice, this phase would only be a few milliseconds to a few seconds long as all the positions in the race are assigned to players.

-        A player can only win one position in the race.

-        If a player is a winner, the Jackpot Win, amount and position in the race is displayed to the winner.

-        Once all positions are paid out – the jackpot resets to zero and re-enters the Accumulation Phase. The game will display a summary of the last race showing the total Prize Pool and how many players won.


-        To create a Jackpot Race, you will need to navigate to Configuration -> Jackpots -> Manage Jackpots in the Habanero Management System.

     (If you wish to enable Multi-brand / Cross Group settings, please first contact [email protected])


-        Select Add New Jackpot Group.


-        Create a new Jackpot Group, give the group a name, and select the type as Race Group.


-        Next, you will need to enter the group and Add a Jackpot Race.


-        The next step is to complete the Jackpot Race setup variables.


Firstly, you will need to Name this particular Jackpot Race. It is always a good idea to give a descriptive name for the Race, e.g. “Weekly Saturday Race”, or “March – April Race”.

Set the Jackpot Type as Race.

Configure the Base Currency for your Jackpot.

Race options:

1. Start from Zero, increments with contribution (default)

2. Start from NNN, increments with contribution. Please request to Habanero support team to fill in the Start Value or "NNN".

3. Fixed Value - with 0% contribution

Specify the RTP% Contribution to Jackpot. This is the percentage of the return to player for the specified for your Jackpot group (See Setting the Games for the Jackpot Race Group). This will determine what portion of the RTP will be designated the Jackpot Race. The percentage range that can be specified is from 0.1% to approximately 8%. Be careful not to set the contribution too high, as this can impact the revenue gained from the specified. Also, do not set the percentage too low, as the jackpot may grow fast enough to entice the customers to participate. The recommended range is between 0.5% and 1.5%.

Set the Timezone, the active race days, and the Open Time Start and Duration.

The time zone should match your customers time zone to present accurate race countdown information and starting times.

Select the days you wish to run the Jackpot Race, any single day or any combination of the days of the week, including every day if you require. Select the start time for the jackpot race. Ensure you select the period of the day, either AM, or PM. 

Specify the duration of the race, in minutes. You can insert a value of 5 to 180 minutes. We do not recommend Races over 3 hours.

The next field is for a Min Bet, which is an optional field for a minimum bet required during the Race Phase. Leave this blank if you prefer any sized bet to qualify for a Jackpot Race win.

The most important step of the Jackpot Race configuration is the Pay Table When a Jackpot is triggered it usually pays the individual winner the full value of the Jackpot. The Jackpot Race allows you to configure winners who will win a specified portion of the jackpot. You may pay the 1 , the top three places, or even a thousand places. The individual prizes are calculated as a percentage of the overall prize amount generated. Remember, the total prizes percentage allocation should add up to 100%. If the total prizes allocated is greater than 100%, and the error will be displayed. If the percentage of the total prize is less than 100%, an additional percentage portion of the total that is not allocated will remain in the prizes and will roll over to the next jackpot race.

The pay table consists of three elements, each Row indicates the prize position, 1, 2, 3, 4 The numerical Winners value represents the number of winners to that position. The % Each value is the percentage to pay to each winner in that position, expressed as a decimal number followed by the % symbol. These two values are separated by a colon (:).

To calculate the total %, use the following formula:

Total % = Row× (Winners * %Each) ++


Total % = Row1Winners * %Each) + Row2Winners * %Each) +…
Consider the following examples:


1) Paying the top 3 places once

Position (Row)













This example shows the total % as (1 * 50.00) + (1 * 30.00) + (1 * 20.00) = 100.00%



2) Paying the top 2 places once and the 3 )

Position (Row)













This example shows the total % as (1 * 50.00) + (1 * 30.00) + (2 * 20.00) = 120.00%

This pay table will be rejected by the system, since it exceeds the maximum of 100%.

3) Paying the top 2 places once and the 3 )

Position (Row)












This example shows the total % as (1 * 50.00) + (1 * 30.00) + (2 x 10.00) = 100.00%

You may use decimal places the express the %Each, e.g. 51.25%, with a decimal placeholder (.) to denote the numerical fraction. However, remember that the same rules apply, the total % should still ideally equal 100%.

Winners of the incrementing Jackpot Race will have a contribution. The contribution goes straight back to the winner. So if the pool was $1000 and there are 2 50% winners the winners will get:

$500 + their contribution paid back.


Winner 1 bets $100 = $1 contribution at 1%

Winner 2 bets $200 = $2 contribution at 1%

Winner 1 gets $500 jackpot prize + $1 contribution = 501$

Winner 2 gets $500 jackpot prize + $2 contribution = 502$

The last variable to set is to specify if to set the Jackpot to Start After Win. If this is set to “STOP this Jackpot Group”, the Jackpot Race will end after the next win, and the allocated games will return to normal play mode. If nothing is specified, the Jackpot Race will continue indefinitely.

Finally, check the tick box marked as “Active” to activate this Jackpot Race. If this box is not ticked, the jackpot will not start, and you will not be able to allocate games to the group.

N.B. The Jackpot Race created can be edited at any time, and all the values can be adjusted, with the exception of the Jackpot Type and the Base Currency.


-        The final step to configuring your Jackpot Race is to assign games to the Jackpot Group. You can select the available Jackpot Race Games individually, or all available games. To do this, select Manage Linked Games. You will then be presented with a list of Available Games. To add the games to the ace group, select the game and click the right arrow  to add the game to the assigned games list, or the double arrow to add all available games To remove a game from the assigned list, select left facing arrow.




N.B. If you are unable to select a game and it is out (disabled), you must first remove that game and currency combination from any existing Jackpot setups. To do this locate the game in the Jackpot it is assigned to e.g. Random Jackpot Setup and use the left to remove the game from the assigned list. You may only assign a game to a single jackpot at a time.


Currently Supported Jackpot Race Games: Refer to Game Release PDF and Game Detail Excel file

  • As games become available for the Jackpot Race, they will be displayed in the Manage Linked Games section.
  • If you wish to enable Jackpot Race to link Multi-brands / Cross-Group, please contact [email protected]
  • For any additional information or questions regarding the Jackpot Race, please contact [email protected].

Note:Jackpots can not be won during fun play or bonus play(coupon/Free Spins), requires real-money bet to contribute the prize pool. 

Therefore bonus money is not a qualified contribution. 

Jackpot Race Rules (Word File) are available in the attachment below:

Attached Files: